sábado, 28 de maio de 2011

My Childhood

I was Born in 1995.
I was spoiled..
I was a good girl..
I was a good student.
I think I took after my mother.

fifteen years.
Michele Carolina

My Childhood

five years.
I was Born in 1995.
I was Born in Píaui.
I grew up in Brasília.
I was spoiled..
I was raised mostly by my mother.

fifteen years.
Raiane Cristina

My Childhood

six years.
I was Born in 1994.
After school I used to go watch design.
I was spoiled..
I was always getting into trouble.I was a good student.

sixteen years.

Amanda Fátima

My Childhood

eight months.
I was Born in 1995.
I was a good student.
I was spoiled..
I was a good girl.
After school I used to go watch design.

fifteen years.

Letícia Martins

My Childhood

six years.
I was Born in 1996.
I was spoiled..
I was a good student.
After school I used to go watch TV.
I was always getting into trouble.

fifteen years.

Kamila Neves